What Does Success Mean To You?

Many people view success in terms of power, wealth, or fame. This is not the true success that a lot of us strive for and accomplish everyday. Many of the most enduring and satisfying forms of success have nothing do with acquiring power, wealth, or fame. Success is what you make it. For some people it is just keeping busy, having fun and enjoying life as never before.

Lots of people have a goal of wanting to make heaps of money so they can do nothing. The people who have this desire most often hate their jobs. They have given up trying and can't believe they will ever achieve their financial goals through their career. It's easy to fall into this trap.

When you're spending your days working your butt off - full time loafing sounds like an attractive proposition. Actually it becomes quite boring after a while.

The solution is really easy. Stop working and start enjoying how you make you money. No matter what job you do, it is vitally important that you find something you love doing.... something you are passionate about.

However, if you end up working for yourself, or working from your residence - there will be no bosses to prod you along. You need be able to jump out of bed in the morning filled with the enthusiasm to get going.

As a matter of fact, I haven't worked for years. It's not that I've retired, it's just that I love what I'm doing. My definition of work - anything I'm doing when I'd rather be doing something else.

When you think about it, anyone can stop working. There are two ways to achieve this, but they are both big steps to take.

The first; is to change your attitude to work.
The second; is to guide your work efforts into activities you love doing. The best way to be employed is to achieve the things you enjoy achieving. That way it's not work.

The Practice of Believing

We've all been told or heard at some point in our lives that if you truly believe something - have faith that it will happen - it will happen. Now I know a lot of people don't completely accept that idea and then there are those who say they practice it - but really don't proactive it - they just think they do. Then are those who truly proactive Believing and have tremendous success. Ever wonder why or how they do that? There are a number of steps involved in the Practice of Believing - and you really need to have it all in place before this Proactive of Believing can help you achieve your goals.

Some Background
Before I get into how to develop the practice of believing I think it's important to give you a little background. Rather than give you a list of famous quotes I thought it would be more helpful to look at some concrete information that validates the notion that what you believe is what you will get. Most scientists who have examined the power of prayer and how beliefs impact a person's health agree _ that a person who believes they are sick and going to die will not fare as well as someone who believes he or she can recover and will survive - the latter usually go on to live a healthy lifestyle. Today in New York City - doctors at Sloan-Kettering cancer center are teaching cancer patients the power of positive thinking and how their beliefs will impact their chances of survival.

Since the turn of the Century (2000 and forward) researchers have begun to take a closer look at the impact the state of a person's mind has on their health and life. Those that have completed their studies have found that what we think and the state or our mind have a direct impact on our life, reality and health.

What You Believe is What You Get!

What you believe is what you get! I think that about sums it up. Now I know some of you may not accept that - but here's what happens when you believe something. If you believe that relationships are difficult and require a lot of work - then you'll only attract people who Will make the relationship difficult or force you to put a lot of work into it. More importantly - if you worry about something - you basically believe the worst and you'll likely get the worst. That doesn't happen all of the time and there is a reason for it not happening all of the time. Even though you worry - a small part of you is hopeful that you'll have a positive outcome and thus a complete disaster is often avoided. However, if you were to only worry and think of the worst at all times - never being hopeful - then you could be setting up yourself for a massive disaster.

But there is more to believing than just creating beliefs. Having positive beliefs is the first step toward creating a positive and successful life. Believing is something completely different. Here's an and example: You may have positive beliefs about money; you may have a belief that there are plenty of ways to make money. But if you don't believe that you will make money - you won't make the amount that you are hoping for. Still confused? Let's try to clear it up.

A belief is the way you feel about something - it's deeply rooted and if I asked you a question about it you'd have an answer. Believing something is trusting that what you want can and will happen. There is not a single doubt that it will happen - you completely trust and know that it will happen. Many people I speak to are missing this element in their daily lives. They'll do all of the other work that is necessary to achieve their goals - but they can't get this element of believing into their system.

How to Practice Believing
In many ways we've been raised to not believe. If you can't see it - it's not real - that's what we're taught. But believing is vital to our survival and success. If we could only believe that everything would work out and trust that what you want can and will happen - you'd have remarkable results. your life would change in ways you never thought possible. But for some reason - most people just can't believe that things will workout for them. They look at past results and judge their future on those results.

Let me ask you a few simple questions: Do you believe, without a doubt, that you can and will have everything that you want in life?

Do you believe without a doubt that you will be guided to the right situation at the right time - no matter what you will get to where you want to be in life?

Do you believe, without a doubt, that there is always a way to achieve your goals - you just have to find it?

If you answered no or maybe to any of the above questions - you don't believe - and therefore won't get to where you want to be.

Believing requires this complete trust that everything will workout. That you will do your part in finding solutions while trusting and knowing that you can and will get what you want out of life.

Here's an example of believing that most of us can relate to on some level. If you have a child or if a friend or a relative has a newborn child - then think about that child for a moment. Think about the earliest time that you saw that child. Remember when it couldn't even feed itself or make a sound. It had no motor coordination and didn't really recognize things very well.

Now assuming this was a healthy child - When it was at that stage - did you or it's parent - ever doubt that it would learn to walk? then answer is no. Everybody was convinced; everybody believed that the child would learn to walk.

That's the kind of belief I'm talking about that's needed to achieve your goals. You have to believe that things will workout - no doubts - just trust in yourself, your inner powers and the powers that be - that everything will workout.

So how do we get to that level?

First of all you have to get there by taking small steps. Start setting small goals - even with things you know will happen - and then trust and let go - see what happens. You could do this when you're driving - trust that you'll get to work on time and have as easy commute. See what happens after a week of doing this. If you misplace your keys - tell yourself you know where they are and then trust that you'll find them at the right time. Let's go - do something else for a while and see what happens. If you're not sure about a decision you have to make - think of all the possibilities - then tell yourself that you're making the right decision and let go - forget about making the decision. After a while you'll naturally think about it again - and you'll make your decision easily. The key is to trust and let go - sometimes you have to distract yourself so you don't worry. Worry is the opposite of trusting and believing - it's saying I don't believe so I have to worry - because by worrying I can make it better - but you can't. So get busy - distract yourself and see what happens.

Is suggest you start small so that you develop this practice. Because when the big decisions need to be made you'll believe that you can and will do what you need to do and achieve your goals.

This process is so simple yet so powerful - but it takes time to develop the habit. I've been doing it and teaching it for years - and you know what - sometimes I do slip up and have to remind myself of this basic fundamental process. This practice of believing is vital to your success - without it everything else you do will be pointless in the end.

Practicing A Positive Lifestyle

Let's face it most of us would love to live a life where everything just seems to go at a nice fluid pace with little or no interruptions or few setbacks. This would be great - and it can be done if you start practicing a positive lifestyle.

So what exactly is a positive lifestyle? This involves looking at things a little differently.It requires that you see and understand the positive aspects of people and situations - instead of just focusing on the negative aspects.

Too often we get caught up with the negative opinions, attitudes, actions and thoughts of those around us - and in the end we create a negative lifestyle that leaves us unhappy, depressed, hopeless and angry.

So in order to avoid falling into this trap or in order to move from a negative lifestyle to a positive lifestyle - we need to begin changing the way we see things and change the way we interact with each other.

Those of you who are now working with the Creating Power system are already in the process of building a positive lifestyle. The Creating Power system shows you how to eliminate the negative thought patterns and beliefs that create a negative or limiting reality.

The First Step

The first thing you can do is to change your negative responses when dealing with people. For example: if someone asks you; "How are you." Instead of responding by saying: "Not bad. "Why not say: "I'm doing great." Think about it for a second. Your first response was Not bad, or I'm okay, or so-so - or hanging in there, or trying to get through the day - these are all negative statements that create more negative energy and perpetuate the negative lifestyle. Switching to the positive - to what you want - leads to creating more positive energy and a more positive attitude. If you actually start saying that you're doing great - in time you'll begin to believe it and your reality will reflect that - things will actually improve.

So when you're talking to other people - change your negative statements to positive comments. If you're in a conversation where everybody is just being negative - try saying something positive and see what happens. Watch the response - you'll be surprised at some of the things that happen. Some people may think your crazy - but a lot of people will actually start to see things differently. You'll actually get them to stop being so negative - and without knowing it - those very same people will begin looking at things in a more positive way. This may not happen the first time, and it may not happen all the time - but the more you do it - the more often you'll get them to focus on the positive events.

This is one of the things i encourage in the Creating Power system - focusing on the positive but also communicating. Creating Power shows you how to train your mind to focus on the positive so that you always send the right messages to your subconscious mind and create the life you want. With Creating Power - you'll learn how to create a positive lifestyle so that you enjoy living a life where everything works and you enjoy success, happiness and much more.

Focus on the Good Qualities

Often people will do things to make you uneasy, upset you, anger you - or just simply get under your skin. When this happens - it's okay to initially react - but after you've calmed down - look at the positive qualities in that person. Too often we focus solely on a person's negative qualities - and forget the good things. I've actually had people tell me that they can't think of anything nice about their co-workers, bosses, mother in-law, etc. This is a little hard to believe and what it shows is that the person is so caught up in living a negative lifestyle they can't see anything positive in anyone. It's live living in darkness for so long that now they forgot what impact light could have.

By looking at the positive you get your mind to shift it's attention - it now beings to see things differently and thus sends a different message and different energy to your subconscious. This new positive energy and positive message is picked up by your subconscious, your spirit and your higher power - they all bring positive situations to you. It's that old saying: "what goes around comes around." You focus on the positive in other people and other people will see the positive qualities in you. You focus on the good things in other people, and other people will see the good things in you and you'll attract positive situations in your life.

I'm not asking you to be a doormat and I'm not asking you to simply look at the positive qualities when someone is being unkind to you. Instead, I'm suggesting that you take a look at the positive qualities in addition to everything else. Don't neglect the positive qualities that a person has. Here's an example: Let's say you're taking your son or daughter to a basketball game. You're in the line and the guy behind you, who is also with his child, starts pushing. You ask him to back off and he gets angry - perhaps start yelling and screaming - all of this is taking place in front of your child and his child. Finally things calm down - you go to your seat and he goes to his. Perhaps you're still angry and silently cursing him as you sit in your chair. But can you see anything positive in that person? Most people would say no. But at least he was trying to spend some time with his kid. At least he took time out of his schedule, just like you did and took his kid to a game - just like you did. You don't know anything else about the person - but you just found some positive qualities.

When you do this you also release the anger and unhappiness - because you get your mind to focus on something positive instead of something negative - thus creating more positive energy. Try doing this with people you know and don't know.

Creating positive energy is crucial to your success and happiness. Let's face it - you certainly don't want negative energy or a negative lifestyle. With Creating Power you'll learn how to do this and much more. The techniques, exercises and methods are simple and easy to use.

Encourage the Positive

Another thing you can do is to be encouraging and positive - not just when you're talking to people - but go the extra distance to help someone out when you can. Offer encouragement when people have questions or concerns. Instead of shooting somebody down, or sharply criticizing them - take the high road - and see how much more of an impact a few words of encouragement will help. Listen to what people say and try to offer a positive suggestion to help in their situation.

When you do this you get your mind to go in a positive direction - which in turn will attract more positive situations - and you also back it up with action. It doesn't hurt to help people when they need a hand, a few words of encouragement will go a lot further than some harsh criticism.

Begin to see the positive aspects in other people by first focusing on your positive qualities. Creating Power shows you how to do both and it shows you how to send the right messages to your subconscious mind so that you create the life you want.

Try Smiling

Finally, try smiling. It's actually a lot easier than frowning. It's true. Researcher and scientists have found that you actually use fewer muscles to smile than you do when you frown. Try smiling more and you'll actually start to feel better. Take some time to laugh at yourself and at things you find funny. Be a kid every once in a while - don't take things too seriously - after all having fun frees the souled and eases the mind. Don things you enjoy and you'll start creating a positive lifestyle.

Power of Mind

Mind power is about more than just positive thinking. Once you realize that it is the power or your thought s and beliefs that create your reality, you will begin to pay close attention to the thoughts you are thinking.

Developing your Subconscious Mind Power is a straightforward, effective process based on the power of thoughts and the power of your subconscious mind.

When you work with your subconscious Mind power you learn how to use affirmations. visualization, and the many other techniques that will aid you in harnessing the power of your subconscious mind. It goes beyond simple positive thinking and gives you a system that you can apply everyday so that you regularly direct you subconscious mind to create the positive and rewarding life you want.

Once you master you Mind Power and unleash you subconscious mind power, will help you develop the personal power that you already possess to create success and fulfillment in life. Positive, daily affirmations will help and we'll show you how to get the most out of them as well as how to develop a powerful visualization process that will lead to greater success in every area of your life.