
Why need to change? What is the meaning of change? This are the few question we always facing.
Change is something that presses us our comfort zone. It is destiny-filtered, heart grown, faith built. Change is inequitable; not a respecter of persons. Change is for the better or for the worst, depending on where you view it. Change has an adjustment period which varies on the indicidual. It is uncomfortable, for changing from one state to the next upsets our control over outcomes. Change has a ripping effect on those who won't let go. Change is not comforted by the statement 'just hand in there' but with the statement 'you can make it'. We don't grow in retreat, but through endurance. Change isn't fixed by crying, worrying or mental treadmiling. Change is won by victors not victims; and that choice is ours.

Change is awkward - at first. Change is a muscle that develops to abundantly enjoy the dynamics of the life set before us. Change calls own strength beyond anyone of us. Change pushes you to do your personal best. Change draws out those poised for a new way. Change isn't for chickens. Change does have causalties of those defeated. Change will cause us to churn or to learn. Change changes the speed of time. Time is so slow for the reluctant, and yet it is a whirlwind for those who embrace it. Change is more fun to do than to be done to. Change seeks a better place at the end and is complete when you realize you are different.

Change is measured by its impact on all who are connected to it. Change is charged when you are dissatisfied with where you are. Change doesn't look for a resting - place; just the next launching point. Change is only a waste to those who don't learn from it. Change happens in the heart before it is proclaimed by our works. Change chaps those moving slower than the change itself. If you can change before you have to change, there will be less pain. Change can flow or jerk, depending on our resistance to it. Change uses the power invested in the unseen to reinvent what is seen. Change is like driving in a fog - you can't see very far, buy you can make the whole trip that way.


Gossip is idle talk or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. It is one of the oldest and most common menas of sharing facts and views, but also has a reputation for the introduction of errors and variations into the information transmitted. The term can also imply that the news is of personal or trivial nature, as opposed to normal converstion.

In the last decade, gossip has been researched in terms of its evolutionary psychology origins. This has found gossip to be an important means by which people can monitor cooperative reputations and so maintain widespread indirect reciprocity. Indirect reciprocity is defined here as "I help you and somebody else helps me". Gossip has also been identified by Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary biologist, as aiding social bonding in large groups.
The term is sometimes used to specifically refer to the spreading of dirt and misinformation, as through excited discussion of scandals. Some newspapers carry "gossip columns" which details the social and personal lives of celebrities or of elite members of certain communities.

What is Pixiu?

Pixiu is a legendary animal in the Chinese folklore. He was the ninth son of Dragon King. Legend had it that Pixiu survived by eating Gold, Silver and other caluable gemstones. He was also the pet of Jade emperor. One day, he ate too much and shitted at the wrong place. Jade emperor was very angry and hit his buttocks hard; as a result he was unable to defecate after that.

Traditionally, Pixiu appears in twenty six designs. Big mouth, big stomach, with no asshole, and cannot defecate. Chinese believe that it can be used to accumulate wealth, protect home and avoid evil spirits.

One pair of Pixiu

The male Pixiu is responsible for wealth generationsl and the female one is responsible for its safe keeping. That is why we have to buy them in pair to display in the office or at home. You only wear one of them, otherwise they will fight each other to gain your favor.

Pixiu are lazy and like to sleep a lot. We have to touch, them play with them ad wake them up. Then they will generate and keep the wealth for us.

It is believed that Jade Pendant - Pixiu is the most powerful, although Pixiu may be made of other material such as metal, wood or porcelain.
Pixiu can help you earn more money from your job, and your business. It can also help you make a fortune from gambling, lottery tickets and lucky draws etc.
It is very common for Chinese family to have Pixiu at home, or wear it. There are many modern designs of Jade Pendant Pixiu in the market now However, the basic elements and their functions remain unchanged!
  • Dragon head - to have good luck and high position
  • Toad head - to acumulate wealth
  • Animal head - to avoid evil forces


  • Phoenix tail - to have good luck and high position
  • Ruyi tail - to acumulate wealth (Ruyi is an S-shaped ornamental object make or jade; formery a symbol of good luck)
  • Lion tail - to aboid evil forces


  • Double horn - to have good luck and high position
  • Without horn - to accumulate wealth
  • Single horn - to avoid evil forces


  • Scale - to have good luck and high position
  • Without scale or hair - to accumulate wealth
  • Mane - to avoid evil forces