How to Get Customers to Recommend Your Business to other Customers!

Do you contact your customers after they have made a purchase?

If you don't then you really should.

Today I will show you how to get customers to recommend your business to other customers simply by contacting them.

For example, a while ago I called penny, one of my customers to see how she was getting on with some of my products. She said that she was doing very well and was very happy. I asked Penny if there was any way that I could improve my services to her. She said that she was more than satisfied with my service. I also used this opportunity to ask her if she had anyone in mind that she felt would benefit from my products and services, she recommended tow more customers to me.

So ask your customers to recommend you to a friend or colleague. You can use a business card for this or simply just ask them.

If you do use a card ensure that you tell your customer to add their name on the reverse. you can offer your customer a gift as a show of your appreciation, if you like., Gifts can include; business promotional items, flowers, chocolates, dinner for two, vouchers, what ever you feel appropriate. You must not ignore this method of stimulating more referrals as it is very effective and works many times over.

Kissing Techniques!

The key to good kissing is creativity, active listening, and changing patterns. Creativity speaks for itself. Creativity includes trying new ideas, and/or new combinations of movements, locations and moods. Active listening refers to paying attention to your partner's verbal and non-verbal signals.
Is your partner currently excited? Is your partner in a happy or sad mood? What does your partner want to do? Is your partner wishing for a quite evening of talking, or does he/she want a romantic encounter, a quickie, or animistic lustful encounter? Which movements turn your partner on the most? Which ones the least? Changing patterns refers to the alterations of types of kisses used.

Half of a good kiss is the anticipation of the imagination about what will follow and what this kiss means. Very rarely will a partner complain that the pace is too slow. The slowness can actually raise the sexual tension by 'pacing' the sexual encounter. Each stage will have to be fully explored before moving on. Sometimes, the simple act of kissing is enough. Kissing does not always lead to intercourse. Sometimes, the simple act of kissing is enough. Kissing does not always lead to intercourse. Sometimes a kiss is exactly what a couple wants, something steamy, hot, romantic, and connected. A frequent mistake that long term couples make is that a kiss is always a signal to intercourse. Or that a kiss should always follow a set order and path. Routines. (while pleasurable) can also be deadly. Routines sometimes can act to diminish the excitement, because the other person already knows exactly what will come next. In that way, a "first" with someone new is always exciting, because you simply have o idea about what to expect. Therefore, in an effort to help people 'break' old patterns a set of different types of kisses have been collected. It is my hope that you will all, on your next date, keep these ideas in mind and practice them on your next kiss.

Type of kissing

  • Simple fast kiss on the lips
  • wet fast kiss on the lips
  • dry fast kiss on the lips
  • Suspenseful kiss on the lips. The type that has a long build-up and both parties wonder when the other one will start to lean over... or if the other person is even interested.
  • Elongated kiss. This one involves a bit of mouth movement (opening and closing). Elongated kiss, with the use of your tongue. Imagine sucking on your arm, while using your tongue to DAINTILY pull in the skin, and the DAINTILY push the skin back onto the arm. Another way to imagine this is, to think of using your tongue to 'knead' the skin on the arm. Similar to 'kneading' bread. The movements are best when slow, steady and precise.
  • Slobber kiss. This is excellent for cunnilingus and fellatio. The saliva acts as lubrication. However, at all other times, unless specifically requested, avoid the slobbery kiss.
  • Wetting lips kiss. Run your tongue along the contours of their lips.
  • Sucking kiss. Exactly that. Suck on their lips.
  • Upper lip kiss. Only kiss the upper part of the lip.
  • Lower lip kiss. Only kiss the lower part of the lip.
  • The nibbling kiss. Literally, nibble on their lips and nibble/kiss all over their cheeks and ears.
  • Tongue sucker kiss. Literally, suck on your partner's tongue as if it was a finger.
  • Teeth cleaner kiss. While kissing, run your tongue along the inside of their mouth. Explore the structure of your partner's teeth. Feel each tooth (within reason), one by one. By following each grove, note the textures of the tooth.
  • Tongue player kiss. Use your tongue to play with their tongue.
  • Mouth explorer kiss. Use your tongue to explore the rest of your partner's mouth. What does the inside of your partner's cheek feel like, the back of the lips? Does it feel dry, hard, of firm?
  • Public kiss. Kiss your partner in public, kiss your partner in private.

  • Motion kiss. Change kissing speeds.l Begin super slow, and then let yourself speed up. The beginning part of the kiss should last at least 10 min, then after your partner can not stand it any longer speed up. Then, do not forget to slow your speed down. Too much of anything is not a good thing. Frequent subtle alterations, keeps the person guessing as to what will come next.
  • Loud kiss. Kiss your partner while making loud kissing noises.
  • Silent kiss. Kiss your partner without making any noise - best to practice when someone is around and you do want to be heard.
  • Copycat kiss. Kiss your partner the exact way that she/he kisses you. Follow your partner's lead.
  • Open eyed kiss. Maintain eye contact during kissing.
  • Closed eye kiss. Close your eyes and imagine how this kiss will lead to the best sexual encounter ever imaginable.
  • Lick kiss. While kissing, use your tongue to lick her tongue, her teeth, and the roof of her mouth. Do not confuse this 'lick' with a dog's sloppy wet kiss. This 'lick' is very precise. This technique is meant to be used to pull you partner's mouth slightly closer to your and to feel what your partner feels like. Please note, your partner's mouth should be relatively dry afterwards.
  • Talking kiss. The talking kiss refers to whispering sweet nothings to your partner as you kiss them on their lips. In between each kiss or two, while still invading their space, sharing thoughts with them about how much you like them, or how much they turn you on. (i.e. the dress you wore last night, your eyes, the way you handled the situation at dinner etc.)
  • Elevator kiss. Sneak a kiss in to your partner when you are on the elevator and no one else is around.
  • Peck kiss. Just a fast kiss on the lips, where you literally peck your partner on the lips.
  • Isolated kiss. Just one kiss.

Home Business, What's So Great About It?

Home Business allows you more time to do what you want.

Home Business gives you more freedom i.e. no more 9-5 job.

Because a Home Business is well... at Home, you don't have to travel far to get there.

Just come down stairs in your pajamas and get to work right there and then. It's so convenient.

What is this article about?

Basically this is about starting a Home Business, what's involved, what options there are, how much it can cost etc.

I have already described the advantages of having a Home Based Business, so now we will discuss what is involved in starting one up.

When you start working for yourself there are several things you must take into consideration.

How much can I afford to spend on advertising, materials and other costs, can I afford to lose the money I am going to put into this business, where will I get finance from? And a million other things.

So I will break this down into many small chunks which will make it much easier to digest.

How much money will I need to start this up?

That is entirely dependant upon you and your goals. You should only invest as much money as you can afford to lose, this way, if everything goes wrong you can still live without too much interference.

That aside you must think how much you are going to spend on advertising. To work this out, you should take all of your costs and assign them a percentage of your finance which you will put into them. For example, if you had $10,000 to start your Business, you could assign 10% to advertising depending on how much everything else costs.

In my opinion you should work out your initial costs first, like rent and materials for example.

Then you can take what's left over and assign it to whatever else you want to spend the money on afterwards.

How can I tell if I can afford to lose the money I invest in my Business?

Very simply estimate the most that the business will cost you and assume that it wont make any money at all for a month, obviously this will be a big loss, but it will give you an idea of what COULD happen if your very unlucky.

If it looks like way more than you can afford to lose, then don't do it until you are more prepared. But please remember that in business, there is no reward without risk. So if you don't risk your money, then you wont be rewarded.

Do I need finance? And Where can I get it from?

Do you have enough personal savings to start the business you want to? If you don't then you will need external financing.

The place where most people will get there initial financing is the bank. But there are other places and people as well.


Mortgage for premises


Venture capitalists


And many more, but the above are the main ones.

I'm sure you know what mortgages and loans are, but chances are, you don't know what a venture capitalist is.

A venture capitalist is someone who contributes financing to a business in exchange for part ownership of the firm. This is ideal if you are starting an expensive business which you might not be able to afford, but expect high profits from.

But be careful, when you give up part ownership you give up some profits.

The Secret of Getting Your Customer to Say Yes!

Have you ever been at the point when your customer is just about to buy something and they decide not to, or simply say no?

If you are like me then this would have happened to you more than once.

Today I will show you a way to encourage your customer to say yes and actually make that purchase.

My hubby and I went to a fish market very early one morning a couple of weeks, to buy a large fish. If you have not been to a place like this before, allow me to set the scene for you:

Indoor warehouse with several market stalls with market traders selling every type of fish you can imagine, you also imagine the smell, not the kind of place that you would like to spend to much time in!

The funny thing is that quite a few of the stall owners are selling pretty much the same thing, at more or less the same price.

My hubby and I are never quite sure which stall owner to purchase from. So we go around each stall comparing prices and receiving sales pitches from each or the stall owners.

One particular sales pitch till this very day comes to the front of my mind after my wife asked this particular fellow, "how much is this box of fish?" After a few moments of giving us the price he iterally started packing the box into a bag and then concluded by saying "would you like on box or two?" You see, this sharp fishmonger worked on the assumption that we were definitely buying from him, and it was just a matter of us deciding on how many of fish we wanted.

So don't say "would you like it or not?" say "Which one would you like?" or "how many would you like". This powerful sales marketing statement was used very well at the point of sale.

You see you do not leave room for the customer to say no. It's either one sale or another. On the other hand if you ask them, "would you like to buy this or not", then they can easily say NO.

As a business owner which would you prefer?

Give this a try, it really does work.

How To Prospect For New Customers In Chat Rooms!

If you're like most people, when you think of chat rooms, you probably think about a bunch of people who get together and talk about dating, relationships, etc.

Well, you'd me only half right, because chat rooms are so much more! In fact, let me give you the true definition of a chat room, and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

A chat room or forum (There is no difference. They're one-in-the-same) is a web site, part of a web site, or part of an online service, that provides a venue for communities of users with a common interest to communicate in real time.

Now the 2 key words in the above definition are "common interest". It doesn't have to be a dating chat room. There are a thousand different type of chat rooms out there. you can chat with other people who like the same things you like, whether it's Internet marketing, automobiles, babies, bowling or pets. Whatever the topic, there's probably a chat room for it somewhere.

Here's how chat rooms work: Chat rooms allow users to communicate with each other in real time (or live), as opposed to the delayed time you get with e-mail. A user enters a chat room, types a message into the computer, and sends it. The message is instantly displayed on the computer screens of the other users in the chat room.

Sometimes these venues are moderated either by limiting who is allowed to speak (not very common) or by having moderation volunteers patrolling the venue watching for disruptive or otherwise undesirable behavior.

So how can you profit from chat rooms? First of all, go online and find a chat room of interest to you, that ties in perfectly with your website. For instance, if you go on Google and type in the words "business chat rooms", Google will present you with more then 90,000,000 pages. As you can see, the possibilties are virtually endless!

Once you find a chat room you like, start participating in the discussions. Develop a friendly relationship with other users. Eventually, the other users will get around to asking you what you do. Now this where you have to tread softly. Go ahead and tell people in general don't like being "sold", especially from someone online they've never met. That's why it so important to give people a chance to see you in chat rooms and get to know you check out your website and view posts on a bulletin board. You have to build a reputation with them first."

It's important to appear in the chat room at the same time every day or at least several days per week. Let visitors know what your chat room schedule is. If you play your cards right, you can become the "resident expert" visitors and regulars turn to for advice. And that's very good for business!