How to Get Customers to Recommend Your Business to Other Customers!

Do you contact your customers after they have made a purchase?

If you don’t then you really should.

Today I will show you how to get customers to recommend your business to other customers simply by contacting them.

Shortly after each sale I give my customers a call to see how they are and if there is anything further that I can help them with.

For example, a while ago I called Penny, one of my customers to see how she was getting on with some of my products. She said that she was doing very well and was very happy. I asked Penny if there was any way that I could improve my services to her. She said that she was more than satisfied with my service. I also used this opportunity to ask her if she had anyone in mind that she felt would benefit from my products and services, she recommended two more customers to me.

So ask your customers to recommend you to a friend or colleague. You can use a business card for this or simply just ask them.

If you do use a card ensure that you tell your customer to add their name on the reverse. You can offer your customer a gift as a show of your appreciation, if you like. Gifts can include; business promotional items, flowers, chocolates, dinner for two, vouchers, what ever you feel appropriate. You must not ignore this method of stimulating more referrals as it is very effective and works many times over.

The Secret of Getting Your Customer to Say Yes!

Have you ever been at the point when your customer is just about to buy something and they decide not to, or simply say no?

If you are like me then this would have happened to you more than once.
Today I will show you a way to encourage your customer to say yes and actually make that purchase.

My wife and I went to a fish market very early one morning a couple of weeks ago, to buy a large quantity of fish. If you have not been to a place like this before, allow me to set the scene for you:
Picture a large indoor warehouse with several market stalls with market traders selling every type of fish you can imagine, you can also imagine the smell, not the kind of place that you would like to spend too much time in!

The funny thing is that quite a few of the stall owners are selling pretty much the same thing, at more or less the same price.

My wife and I are never quite sure which stall owner to purchase from. So we go around each stall comparing prices and receiving sales pitches from each of the stall owners.

One particular sales pitch till this very day comes to the front of my mind after my wife asked this particular fellow, “how much is this box of fish?” After a few moments of giving us the price he literally started packing the box into a bag and then concluded by saying “would you like one box or two?” You see, this sharp fishmonger worked on the assumption that we were definitely buying from him, and it was just a matter of us deciding on how many boxes of fish we wanted. Guess what? We bought two boxes!

So don’t say “would you like it or not?” say “which one would you like?” or “how many would you like”. This powerful sales marketing statement was used very well at the point of sale.
You see you do not leave room for the customer to say no. It’s either one sale or another. On the other hand if you ask them, “would you like to buy this or not”, then they can easily say no.
As a business owner which would you prefer?

Give this a try, it really does work.

Bangkok Trip on 18 Feb - 23 Feb

Bangkok is one of the Asian shopping world, It have alot of thing to shop, from luxure to cheap. I almost feel in love with Bangkok.

This bottle of Passion Fruit & Carrot Juice super yummy.

Street food very nice to eat, like the chicken satay. but not all street food is nice, have to depend on luck also.

Straberry only RM4.00 per pax, very cheap.

Jeff & Elva eat the damn chicker.... Jeff don't kiss me dirty....

Cute dog at one of the shop, call mini mouse, cute name (type dog is long hair chihuahua)

This one call Mickey mouse, (type dog is hm.. I only know the short form pong-pong)
Seen like Bangkok sale dog is very cheap, anyway you can see the nice dog, special the toy/small dog.
Drinking water 6liter only RM3.00

We stay at the most shopping are, the Pratunam, this is their Post office. See both side of the Post office got the street store.

Anyway can see the wiring is horrob, how come got alot of the tall build but the wiring like the old style.

Super cheap only RM10.00 for the base, both hand is the base not bad ler nice also. The sale person said can last for 2weeks but I don't think so lor, mind 4th days start to take out lor. (at MBK mall)

Hey Jeff how come you got Tea shop I didn't know d..... hahaha Chai Tea Latter "Chai" is Jeff surname. If you got the tea shop then I no need to work lor.

We in the tuk-tuk motor car back to hotel, wow... their driving skill super. If in Malaysia I think people will @#$%! lor. haha...

Fire Exit, till now I really don't understand this fire exit how to go out.

Only go down one floor, some more is just about 6x5 ft space. If really fire happen still in the trap.

More picture:

Chat Room Profits: How To Prospect For New Customers In Chat Rooms!

If you're like most people, when you think of chat rooms, you probably think about a bunch of people who get together and talk about dating, relationships, etc.

Well, you'd be only half right, because chat rooms are so much more! In fact, let me give you the true definition of a chat room, and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

A chat room or forum (There is no difference. They're one-in-the-same) is a web site, part of a web site, or part of an online service, that provides a venue for communities of users with a common interest to communicate in real time.

Now the 2 key words in the above definition are "common interest". It doesn't have to be a dating chat room. There are a thousand different type of chat rooms out there. You can chat with other people who like the same things you like, whether it's Internet marketing, automobiles, babies, bowling or pets. Whatever the topic, there's probably a chat room for it somewhere.

Here's how chat rooms work: Chat rooms allow users to communicate with each other in real time (or live), as opposed to the delayed time you get with e-mail. A user enters a chat room, types a message into the computer, and sends it. The message is instantly displayed on the computer screens of the other users in the chat room.

Sometimes these venues are moderated either by limiting who is allowed to speak (not very common) or by having moderation volunteers patrolling the venue watching for disruptive or otherwise undesirable behavior.

So how can you profit from chat rooms? First of all, go online and find a chat room of interest to you, that ties in perfectly with your website. For instance, if you go on Google and type in the words "business chat rooms", Google will present you with 90,4000,000 pages. Typing in the words "automobile chat rooms" will bring up 2,390.000 pages. And typing in the words "pet chat rooms" will bring up 10,900,000 pages. As you can see, the possibilties are virtually endless!

Once you find a chat room you like, start participating in the discussions. Develop a friendly relationship with other users. Eventually, the other users will get around to asking you what you do. Now this where you have to tread softly. Go ahead and tell people what you do, but use the "softsell approach". Why? Because people in general don't like being "sold", especially from someone online they've never met. That's why it so important to give people a chance to see you in chat rooms, and get to know you, check out your website and view your posts on a bulletin board. You have to build a reputation with them first."

It's important to appear in the chat room at the same time every day or at least several days per week. Let visitors know what your chat room schedule is. If you play your cards right, you can become the "resident expert" visitors and regulars turn to for advice. And that's very good for business!

Fashion Robot n Robo Teacher

Japanese researchers have built a robot that will soon strut her stuff down a Tokyo catwalk. It has slightly oversized eyes, a tiny nose and a shoulder length hair-do. It also boasts 42 motion motors programmed to move like a flesh-and-blood fashion model. Meanwhile Hiroshi Kobayashi, professor at Tokyo University of Science, has developed robot 'teacher' caller Saya, which he says can mimic female facial expressions.

A "cybernetic human "HRP-4C, designed to look like an average Japanese woman, appears during its demonstration in Tsukuba, near Tokyo. The humanoid robot having a female face and black hair trimmed down to 43 kilograms (95 pounds) to make a debut at a fashion show later in the month.

A "cybernetic human' HRP-4C, designed to look like an average Japanese woman, walks toward journalists during a demonstration in Tsukuba, near Tokyo.

These three combo photos show a "cybernetic human" HRP-4C, designed to look like an average Japanese woman, creating expressions like anger, left, and surprise, right, during a demonstration in Tsukuba, near Tokyo, She will make a debut at a fashion show later in the month.

Japan's teacher robot "Saya" expresses her surprise on her face during a demonstrating by Hiroshi Kobayashi, Tokyo University of Science professor and Saya's developer, at his office in Tokyo, Japan. First developed as a receptionist robot in 2004, Saya was tested in a real Tokyo classroom earlier this year to a handful of fifth and sixth graders, although it still can't do much than call roll and shout orders like "Be quiet".

I don't is the good ideal to have the Robot Teacher, because it is not live.
  1. It will become more people jobless.
  2. Knowledge of Robot Teacher, is limited, because most of the reaction is giving by human to programing.
  3. For the new generation will be like the Robot thinking, not that life and un-active

Cherry Blossom

Everything will happen, it depend on the time to come. Now we can see Cherry Blossom at Penang, Malaysia. Jalan Perak full of Cherry Blossom tree. Let join the feel of SAKURA~~~

Is true not lie you see is malaysia car Kelisa pass by.

Look around ok..... let do it
I want to add some vitamin to this tree keep on grown nicer.

The kid enjoy on this spring flower

The street is full of pink and white Cherry Blossom.

Malaysia Boleh!!! hahaha