The Secret of Getting Your Customer to Say Yes!

Have you ever been at the point when your customer is just about to buy something and they decide not to, or simply say no?

If you are like me then this would have happened to you more than once.
Today I will show you a way to encourage your customer to say yes and actually make that purchase.

My wife and I went to a fish market very early one morning a couple of weeks ago, to buy a large quantity of fish. If you have not been to a place like this before, allow me to set the scene for you:
Picture a large indoor warehouse with several market stalls with market traders selling every type of fish you can imagine, you can also imagine the smell, not the kind of place that you would like to spend too much time in!

The funny thing is that quite a few of the stall owners are selling pretty much the same thing, at more or less the same price.

My wife and I are never quite sure which stall owner to purchase from. So we go around each stall comparing prices and receiving sales pitches from each of the stall owners.

One particular sales pitch till this very day comes to the front of my mind after my wife asked this particular fellow, “how much is this box of fish?” After a few moments of giving us the price he literally started packing the box into a bag and then concluded by saying “would you like one box or two?” You see, this sharp fishmonger worked on the assumption that we were definitely buying from him, and it was just a matter of us deciding on how many boxes of fish we wanted. Guess what? We bought two boxes!

So don’t say “would you like it or not?” say “which one would you like?” or “how many would you like”. This powerful sales marketing statement was used very well at the point of sale.
You see you do not leave room for the customer to say no. It’s either one sale or another. On the other hand if you ask them, “would you like to buy this or not”, then they can easily say no.
As a business owner which would you prefer?

Give this a try, it really does work.