Reflection in the Water

The "Great Compassion Mantra" and "Diamond Sutra"
are required daily practice for us.
This is brain washing.
We must wash our own brain every day.
Otherwise, the thinking mind quickly gives rise to afflictions;
unable to feel where the happiness lies.
Start with holding of attention in mantra,
and mindfulness of Buddha;
follow with the practice of Ch'an meditation.
Repetition of mantra, chanting of Buddha's name,
and focused sitting meditation,
are all work that is one to one.
It is you facing yourself.
Why are we doing this one to one business?
It is like when we let ourselves reflect upon the water,
our image shows up in the water as a reflection.
If we do not let ourselves reflect upon the water,
our reflection does not show up;
and we will not find ourselves.
Chanting of Sutra, or recitation of mantra,
is to allow your own image to reflect in the mantra,
in the Sutra, like the reflection that appears in the water.
The "Self" is found inside this reflection.