Early morning 8am have be there, can't eat anything that mean have to diet. Behind from the day before 10pm till the next morning finishing the test.
First the nurse have to inject from blood test, then ask me go to drink 250ml sugar water. IT TASTE SUPER SWEET...... I drink almost want to vomiting then the nurse said if you vomit it you have to drink another cup. So I very scare drink a bit a bit... but can't because it make my tongue want to stop to drink it. Then I look around the the nurse didn't see it, leave above 20ml I thrown it in the sink. Heheheeee....
Nurse said after drink in wait for 2 hours, get the 2nd time blood test. So one day take 2 inject in differ hand. It super pain the nurse not GOOD in taking blood.
Em... the hold process take about 3-4 hours. After finish the process the 1st thing is want eat something because my baby super hunger.
Nurse said the result is taking about 3days. If I have diabetes they will call me. If not that me I'm ok and ask the result during, check-up.
Pray for it....
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