
I try to give my baby breast milk but the first 3 days. I really don't have milk. And after I delivery my hold body super pain  and tried.

Im getting stress due to don't have breast milk, my hubby and some aunty keep on asking me " do have breast milk? You have to give your baby breast milk it is good your baby".

4th days night I feel my breast heavy and start to pain. Is the sign that is breast milk. But there is problem, I try to pump it out. It just a little only half oz.

Below is the useful information :
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Welcome To The World

13 July 2012

This is the day my little one join our family. Travis welcome to Chai's family.

4am - go toilet and get back to sleep, feel something not right. Then I go toilet again, see the tissue got blood then I know the time is coming.
I faster get back my room wake-up my husband. "Dear..... Travis want to see the world" the funny part is my husband reply said "It is true?" 

6am plus - arrive at hospital

7.45am - enter to ward no.13
My tammy started to pain...
Time to time pain like hell.

11.13am - deliver Travis

6pm plus - discharge
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Final Stage of Pregnant

25 days countdown of my due date... My body shape change a lot, getting difficult to sleep, walk even sit.
Pregnant lady really not easy.
Soon later will become mum, It another stage for woman.

7 months pregnancy, my stomach look like the boom.

Here the before picture, the stomach very small.

Sound from Heart

Life is really short, we never know when it will happen around us.
I never think it will happen to me, during one month plus,
that my mother-in-law pass away due to cancer illness.
Think to good side, it is good for her to end her life,
without the pain of cancer treatment.
And can come home see all of us, only go to the place she want.

State of Pregnant

Body shape start to change on 6 months pregnant... from 52kg to 60 kg,
and vomiting also getting less. It good me.
But at night still can't sleep will, so my eye like the panda @ _ @.

I really didn't think that I will get pregnant so fast.
Become a pregnant woman is really amazing,
when the baby kicking that time feel shock! and when you talk to the baby he know it.
It is really amazing ^ .^

Low Sex Drive

Problems with sex drive are to be expected if you are not enjoying sex - or do not get enough arousal to become orgasmic. Why should you want something that is not particularly enjoyable!

Thus, if you are finding yourself not particularly excited by the sex that you are having with yourself or the sex that you and your partner are having, consider yourself normal for having a low sex drive.

As you learn new ways to enhance your sexual pleasuring techniques, your sex drive, almost by default will increase.

If you are having trouble exciting yourself during masturbation:

Try using toys:

lubrication: lubrication will help increase the pleasurable sensations by decreasing the friction often caused by sticky hands

dildos and / or vibrators : dildos and vibrators can be used for solo-intercourse. They can be used alone, or you combine them with manual stimulation. Furthermore, some dildos are designed to stimulate your g-spot, others will tickle your clitoris while penetrating you

pillows: squeezing your inner thighs around a pillow will enhance the sensations of masturbation – no explanation is purposely given to explain this sensation. This is something you simply will need to take our word for

fast PC contractions: fast PC contractions causes you to feel an extra level of stimulation

water: let water drip from the water faucet onto your genitals and masturbate. This added sensation is completely outside of your control and may just add enough umph to make it more exciting for you

books: sexy books helps set the mood, not to mention candles and soft music

However, if it is your partner who is experiencing a low sexual desire, take some time to focus on how to sexually stimulate your partner. And if it is you who has the low sex drive, show this to your partner and talk about it with him/her.

Exciting your partner will require:

Communication skills (ie. being able to say what you like and dislike, what makes you comfortable and uncomfortable etc). Willingness to experiment (ie. you will never know what you like and or dislike if you do not try something). Trust (ie. trust that you partner is on your side, and that the two of you are working together).
If you and your partner are having 'sex drive' problems . . . one question that you might want to ask yourself is 'how committed are we to the relationship?' Are we talking about divorce? Are there any extra-marital affairs going on? Am I really willing to let down my guard and work on this issue? If you and your partner are able to honestly say that you are each 100% invested in this relationship, and want to improve your level of intimacy than you are ready to begin.

Having different levels of sex drive is one of the most difficult issues to resolve. There is no 'right' sex drive level. Normal is defined by the couple being in sink with each other. If both couples desire sex once a month, or once a day, then it is normal.

In the last Sex Tip, I spoke of people having a low sex drive because the sex was not fun. However, for some people this may not be the case. For some, they have no trouble feeling sexually aroused or excited.... rather their low sex drive is a reflection of negative messages about female sexuality, fear of loss of control over sex drive, unpleasant reactions during sex, fear of pregnancy, STI's, depression, hormonal or medical issues, body image and aging concerns, partner attraction issues, issues of trust, issues of personal space and lastly lifestyle issues and marital conflicts.

Now that you have been able to identify the cause of your low sex drive. "Treatment" should follow accordingly.

1) Negative messages about female sexuality: Develop positive messages about female sexuality. To do this, you will need to explore where you got those messages from. Looking back in time, what were your parents attitudes, your peers, culture. How are these messages beneficial to you. Are these values something that you want. If not, ask yourself why you keep holding onto them. You may benefit from a woman's/men's empowerment group (depending on your gender), feminist literature or even a class taught from a
feminist perspective.

2) The work ethic: You spend so much time working hard and trying to become successful, that sex becomes a low priority. Therefore no sex drive. Try scheduling more relaxing time into your day. Focus on the 'frivolous' sides of life. Get touch with the child in you. Schedule play time and time for sex.

3) Unpleasant reactions during sex: Sometimes people come to relationships with childhood trauma's (sexual abuse, rape etc.) therefore sex feels bad. Old memories are brought up. One way to resolve this problem is to put the person with the 'unpleasant reactions during sex' in full control. Have that person for the next 2 months initiate all sexual contact.

4) Fear of loss of control over sex drive: as I have said before, letting yourself go, orgasm, will not change you as a person. You will decide how to act.

5) Fear of pregnancy: Use two forms of birth control and/or engage in all other sexual activities besides intercourse.

6) Depression: See a counselor. As your depression decreases, your sex drive will naturally increase.

7) Hormonal or medical issues: See your doctor. Your sex drive may be related to your hormonal level or medical issues.

8) Body image and aging concerns: see #1. Look in the mirror and begin telling yourself all the different ways in which your body DOES work for you. Are you able to sit, stand, run, dance, etc.

9) Partner-attraction issue. Talk with your partner about this. If his breath stinks, let him know this. Let him know that you feel more attracted to him after he brushes his teeth, or right after a shower. If it the skill level of your partner which is a turn off, keep reading this newsletter and more techniques to improve sex will be coming up in the next few weeks.

How to last longer

Many men complain of premature ejaculation. The good news is that this problem tends to respond to sex therapy. Clearly, if you are reading this tip, you may be thinking about this issue, but not ready to go to a sex therapist for information and help. If that is the case, then you have come to the right location. The next series of tips are devoted to what steps you will take for yourself so that you too can learn how to maintain an erection and look at some proven ejaculation dysfunction solutions.

In case you are wondering what exactly is a premature ejaculator, it is a person who on a regular basis ejaculates before he and his partner are satisfied. In other words, lovemaking (penal-vaginal or anal intercourse) is disappointing. According to Helen Kaplan, "the essence of prematurely is lack of adequate voluntary control over the ejaculatory reflex". These men experience ejaculation continence. Thus, it follows that men who prematurely ejaculate have not learned to recognize the pre-cursor sensations to ejaculation. This can be seen as similar to a young child learning to control her/his bladder. In the beginning children do not recognize the signal(s) that their body is giving them about the degree to which their bladder is full until it is too late. As a child ages, she/he develops an awareness of when she/he needs to urinate, control of bladder muscles and an understanding that the more liquid consumed, the greater the need to urinate.

A typical adult male not only has relative control over the timing of when he lets himself urinate, but when he lets himself ejaculate. Yet, as a human, there are times when even the man with the best control finds himself in a long car ride with a desperate need to urinate and is forced to pull over to the side of the road to relieve himself, or extremely sexually turned on and ejaculates before he ideally would like to. It happens. This only becomes problematic when the loss of control happens frequently enough to impair your day-to-day life. Recognizing the sensation(s) of the pre-cursory signs for the need to urinate or ejaculate are critical to the treatment process. 

10 Things You Will Like About A Home Based Business

Here's a few things I've discovered along the way that you will like about owning your own home based business.

1. You Are The Boss

How many people endure a Boss that undervalues your contribution to the organization? Or one who takes credit for your work. More than you might think! Own your own business and you are the boss! You take the credit win, lose, or draw.

2. Work The Hours You Want

That's right! Suppose your spouse works the late shift, you would rather be home during daytime to take care of the children. And you would prefer not putting the children into day care? If you are self employed, you can easily re-schedule your work to fit your family situation.

3. No Long Commute

A friend once spent 4 hours commuting to work each day. Talk about stress. She was tired before the work day began! Say goodbye to the long commute when you are self-employed. Your longest commute might be from one the bedroom to your home office.

4. Goodby Office Politics.

Have you experienced office politics? The co-workers positioning themselves with power figures to move up in the organization. Say goodbye to office politics!

5. Less Stress

Working in a familiar home environment will reduce your stress load. At home, you work at your own pace. If work gets hectic, you take a break. Put your feet up and relax.

6. Dress Codes

No more confining business suits, uniforms, or conforming to a stiff dress code. If you handle all your business over a computer or the telephone Dress The Way You Like!

7. Spend More Time With Your Family

This is a great opportunity to get the family involved in your business. And spend more quality time together.

8. Use A Skill You've Never Had The Opportunity To Use

You have ample opportunity to use your marketing skills, managing skills, accounting skills, people skills, sales skills, computer skills, and many other task you've been itching to try.

9. Realize Your Business Goals

You've taken that first difficult step toward personal and business success. By Striking out on your own and starting a home based business.

10. Boost Self Esteem

You now have more control over your financial and personal future. This will lead to a boost in your self esteem on many levels.

These are only a few of the things you will like about owning a home based business. Once you've started your own business you will add many more to the list!

Seven Tips For Work-At-Home Motivation

Considering a work-from-home business? Clients often say their biggest fear is loss of momentum. Here are seven tips to keep yourself motivated and productive.
(1) Build structure into your day.

Create a schedule and To Do list every evening for the next day, before you sign off for the day. (And yes – it is important to sign off, even if you return later to complete a project.) Include breaks and email reading time.

(2) Define goals by numbers ("write 1000 words") instead of time ("2 hours on Mega account"). One of the joys of working at home is you get to quit when you're finished ahead of schedule.

(3) Train friends and neighbors to respect your working hours.

Clients tell me about neighbors who say things like, "I told the UPS truck to leave the package at your house since you're always home." Discourage phone calls with a prepared response, like "I will call you after four o'clock today." You will be tested. Prepare to hang tough.

(4) Get the family on board.

Deal with their concerns before you start and be prepared to show how you are creating a win-win situation. Clarify what counts as an emergency – a valid reason to interrupt while you are working - and what can wait till dinnertime.

(5) Build breaks into your schedule.

When I started my own business, I was warned, "Plan to get out of the house! Otherwise you'll never leave your desk."

Frankly, I didn't get it.

Why wouldn't I take breaks? Now as I find myself answering just one more email, or adding two more paragraphs to an article, I see the clock move and realize I must stop if I want to get to the gym or the store before closing time.

Bonus Tip: A dog will force you to get moving, no matter what else is going on in your life.

(6) Make promises you will be motivated to keep.

My weekly ezine motivates me to write at least one article a week. You may be energized by company and client deadlines.

As your responsibilities grow, you will tend to accumulate more and more "real" deadlines and it's easier to stay motivated. But in the early stages, you're isolated, you're working hard and results don't appear immediately. That's why some people hire coaches and consultants to create accountability.

(7) Give yourself time to test your commitment.

Not everyone enjoys the work-at-home option. My clients tell me they need six to twelve months to decide how they are responding to this arrangement. You may decide to return to a workplace where you can see real people everyday. Or you may get hooked on having a dog-friendly, gossip-free workplace where you can open the windows all year round.

Color Control Cream

 Have you heard about CC creams?

What is CC Cream? The next generation of BB Cream.

BB creams are trending in the US at the moment and you'll probably see more come the Fall I imagine. So far Smashbox, MAC, and etc... have introduced BB creams stateside with a special appearance by Korean brand.

BB creams have been toned down a bit for the US market but the concept remains the same in some aspects. A creamy base product to flatter many skin tones that offers sun protection and flawless finish that evens our skin tone. Whitening benefits, pigmentation and some anti-aging benefits are missing from US versions but hopefully we catch up sometime soon to our Asian friends in this market.

Now that BB creams are on the rise here what come next?


That would be CC Creams or color control creams. What's a CC cream? It's the next generation BB cream.

CC cream is simply an improved version of a BB cream. It offers pretty much the same benefits as a BB Cream including whitening, moisturizing, sun protection and skin repair.

Where as BB Creams offer all these same options CC creams promise a lighter texture with a non-oily formula (and is some cases a matte finish) plus some will have Vitamin C for better brightening and whitening abilities. CC creams promise to have a lighter texture with more nourishing ingredients offering a beefed up formula with the ability to repair problem skin better than BB creams.

CC creams will contain White tea extracts, Green tea leaf extracts, Hydroponic Acid, Mineral Powder, Macadamia Extracts, Deep sea water, Aloe leaf extracts and Natural Vitamin E.

So it basically provides sun protection, hydration, agents to help soothe and calm skin, anti-aging elements, plus a long lasting formula.

Sugar Drink

Last few day on Wednesday, 28 Mar. I have an appointment to test the diabetes. The doctor said scare after give birth most of the mother will have the diabetes, so they have to early testing the diabetes by drinking the sugar water.

Early morning 8am have be there, can't eat anything that mean have to diet. Behind from the day before 10pm till the next morning finishing the test.

First the nurse have to inject from blood test, then ask me go to drink 250ml sugar water. IT TASTE SUPER SWEET......  I drink almost want to vomiting then the nurse said if you vomit it you have to drink another cup. So I very scare drink a bit a bit... but can't because it make my tongue want to stop to drink it. Then I look around the the nurse didn't see it, leave above 20ml I thrown it in the sink. Heheheeee....

Nurse said after drink in wait for 2 hours, get the 2nd time blood test. So one day take 2 inject in differ hand. It super pain the nurse not GOOD in taking blood.

Em... the hold process take about 3-4 hours. After finish the process the 1st thing is want eat something because my baby super hunger.

Nurse said the result is taking about 3days. If I have diabetes they will call me. If not that me I'm ok and ask the result during, check-up.

Pray for it....

Birthday Cake

A surprise Birthday Cake from my hubby.
I really didn't know that my younger sister in law
help my hubby to buy the Hello Kitty cake for my this year birthday.

It really surprise me when I saw it. And the cake taste very nice.
In early I tell my hubby don't buy cake for my birthday because
I'm pregnant the baby don't like to eat the creamy food.
Then my sister in law said buy the pandan cake it is not creamy so
that I can eat.

Thanks Elva for your caring ^ . ^

How to Start and Succeed with a Home Business

No matter who you are, remember everyone starts from ground zero as far as experience is concerned. Building a home business is no different. One will have to lay the foundation first of all which will consist of choosing a product or service, that requires knowledge of what you are trying to sell. You can't help your customer very well if you are unable to fully answer their questions. Do your research so that you may present yourself in a professional manner. This will compliment you in the future.

Learn how to promote your business. The big companies learned this long ago or they would have never become big. If you don't believe me look at the flyers in your mailbox or just open the paper. Advertising is the key to letting the world know that you have something that they need or want. You can not drive down the street with out seeing signs, posters, billboards, or a store window that says 30% off. Remember advertising is your voice, without advertising no one will know you exist. The louder your voice the more that will hear. Isn't that what you want, for them to come to see what you have? Don't whisper, scream to the world!

Now that you have brought the customers into your store whether it be a physical store or an internet site, be excited about your products or service. People love to be around exciting people. It creates an atmosphere in which sales are much easier to make. Let them know that you believe in what you are doing, in other words don't be a fake, customers can sense this and are turned off by it. If there is a warrantee or guarantee let them know this, it will help to make the sale. Always let the customer know that you are going to be there to assist them if any problems arise.

Now you need to establish a customer database, keep in touch with your clients on a regular basis. This is important! Send them advertise-ments, inform them of new products or services that you have added to your business. These steps will help you create confidence with your clients. It is also important to ask them for their feedback and suggestions that might prove to be beneficial to your business. Remember the customer is looking from another vantage point and may be more helpful than you might imagine.

Finally, don't be afraid of change or updating your business when needed. Times and trends change rapidly these days. Technology demands changes and requirements continually. Most of the time it is to our advantage to change with it so that we can meet the needs of an ever changing world and customer demands.

Just as computers and software demands are changing, so are the needs of your clients. The world is always moving and so must you to keep your business healthy and prosperous. By following these basic rules and using good old common sense you can and will have an enjoyable and rewarding business future. You make your own make it bright!


Em... last weekend first time celebration my birthday together with my parent in law. Due to my farther in law like to eat Korean BBQ and also me and my bb can eat it.

I think next year will add my little one celebration with me.....

When it will get better?

To my little one, when will you stop vomit?
Mummy is very tired and no mood, every time vomiting.
Yesterday is the worst, vomit till I gastric.
Mummy feel so sad ....

Step By Step movement

During the pregnant time is a lot to go... specially stay at home is the most boring life. 
Every morning wake-up drink milk; and will think what breakfast for today.....
When noon time have to think what to eat for my lunch....
During this time the most accompany stuff is my laptop and the tv.

Locating a Sex Therapist*

What you can expect

Sex therapy is superior to other forms of therapy for sexual problems because the therapist has specific training in sexual function & dysfunction. In your sessions, you will have the opportunity to talk openly about your most personal problems and receive specific suggestions about how to solve them.

What will happen in your sessions

The first few sessions are spent getting to know you and understanding your problem.  You will explore your psycho-social background and your family dynamics.  Special emphasis will be placed on your sexual history, including how you learned about sexuality, developed your sexual values and your sexual behaviors to date. The trained therapist, with your input, will develop an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Typically, treatment begins using a behavioral model (with special exercises given at the end of each session to be practiced at home by yourself or with your partner). Treatment is usually short-term. However, where necessary, the therapist will work with you to resolve long term underlying issues which may inhibit free expression of sexuality.


Due to pregnant I have to stay at home to get ready give birth my sweet baby, 
and because my body not strong enough. I have to quit my job.
During this 2 weeks become semi-housewife is very boring. 
Monday, Wednesday & Friday is time for me to cook the nice dinner for my hubby and my sweet baby.
The other day go out to have dinner.

Discovering ones own body – with the help of a partner

 Too often women expect their men to pleasure them without having first identified what they like. This is not to say that women do not recognize when something feels good, rather, what I am suggesting is that some women do know what the literal motions are that cause them to feel good. Thus, this exercise is designed to help women identify which motions are most pleasing to their own bodies. Given that this is a two-person exercise, the male will also benefit from this exercise. Not only will he be with a woman who has a greater awareness for her own body, but he too will have learned with her what types of motions turn her on the most!

This exercise begins when the male has an erection and the female is lubricated. Some couples prefer masturbating to ensure a ‘hard’ erection and a ‘wet’ vagina. If the woman is having trouble lubricating, sometimes adding a little bit of Astroglide, a water based lubricant, is helpful. Once wet, engage in coitus with the woman on top. Specifically the male should lay still to encourage the woman to engulf his erect penis with her vagina. The woman should then move her hips in as many different ways as she can think of, all the while taking note of which motions feel the best to her. Having discovered what feels best, repeat, but this time changing the position of the knees / legs. Specifically a) squatting, b) sitting upright with legs out in front (so the motion comes from using your arms to help move you, c) laying down with both feet being near each other d) kneeling while leaning forward e) kneeling while sitting upright. Again move the hips in all different directions a) forward, b) side-to-side, c) circular and d) up & down. Throughout all of these positions their should be silence between the partners. The goal of this is NOT for the male pleasure, but rather for the female pleasure. She is simply moving for her own excitement. Then, at the woman’s command, the man should tilt his pelvis a) back, b) none c) slightly forward d) all the way forward. Again, the woman will need to repeat all the different positions so that she will be able to determine which positions causes her the most arousal. 

Home Business – Be Your Own Boss and Don’t Even Leave the House

These days there are an increasing number of businesses being run from home. Due to the huge boom in e-commerce and mail order, people wanting to run a small business find it increasingly practical to do so from the comfort of their own home.

Picture a person who has a talent for sewing and a good eye for design. They might be put off the idea of trying to turn their skill into a business because of the cost of renting a building and the worries of choosing a location where their skills are in demand. Instead, this person can start a home business. All they need is the raw materials to turn their sewing skill into a product (handbags, clothing, whatever they prefer) and a way to advertise the business, usually a website. Now they can advertise their designs online, receive orders, make the items and deliver them to the customer by mail order.

Home businesses cut a lot of costs but there are also disadvantages. It is important to check several things, which can be found on government and business related websites. You should check that your mortgage or tenancy agreement does not prohibit running a business. You should confer with your insurance company in case you need to pay more insurance. If you need to make structural changes then you will need to speak to planning permission department of your local government, and health and safety usually need to be consulted. The rooms you use may be charged business tax rates. Lastly, a home business can cause problems with domestic life and is not a choice taken lightly.

A home business is still a great way to start up a small business that can always grow larger in the future. Start up costs are drastically reduced, as is time to start up. You are not tied into any agreements with property agents. You can set your own working times to allow more family time, and of course you can get help from your family if they want to chip in with production or administration. Best of all, you don’t need to travel to work!

10 Things You Will Like About A Home Based Business

Here's a few things I've discovered along the way that you will like about owning your own home based business.

1. You Are The Boss
How many people endure a Boss that undervalues your contribution to the organization? Or one who takes credit for your work. More than you might think! Own your own business and you are the boss! You take the credit win, lose, or draw.

2. Work The Hours You Want
That's right! Suppose your spouse works the late shift, you would rather be home during daytime to take care of the children. And you would prefer not putting the children into day care? If you are self employed, you can easily re-schedule your work to fit your family situation.

3. No Long Commute
A friend once spent 4 hours commuting to work each day. Talk about stress. She was tired before the work day began! Say goodbye to the long commute when you are self-employed. Your longest commute might be from one the bedroom to your home office.

4. Goodby Office Politics.
Have you experienced office politics? The co-workers positioning themselves with power figures to move up in the organization. Say goodbye to office politics!

5. Less Stress
Working in a familiar home environment will reduce your stress load. At home, you work at your own pace. If work gets hectic, you take a break. Put your feet up and relax.

6. Dress Codes
No more confining business suits, uniforms, or conforming to a stiff dress code. If you handle all your business over a computer or the telephone Dress The Way You Like!

7. Spend More Time With Your Family
This is a great opportunity to get the family involved in your business. And spend more quality time together.

8. Use A Skill You've Never Had The Opportunity To Use
You have ample opportunity to use your marketing skills, managing skills, accounting skills, people skills, sales skills, computer skills, and many other task you've been itching to try.

9. Realize Your Business Goals
You've taken that first difficult step toward personal and business success. By Striking out on your own and starting a home based business.

10. Boost Self Esteem
You now have more control over your financial and personal future. This will lead to a boost in your self esteem on many levels.

These are only a few of the things you will like about owning a home based business. Once you've started your own business you will add many more to the list!

Seven Tips For Work-At-Home Motivation

Considering a work-from-home business? Clients often say their biggest fear is loss of momentum. Here are seven tips to keep yourself motivated and productive.

(1) Build structure into your day.

Create a schedule and To Do list every evening for the next day, before you sign off for the day. (And yes – it is important to sign off, even if you return later to complete a project.) Include breaks and email reading time.

(2) Define goals by numbers ("write 1000 words") instead of time ("2 hours on Mega account"). One of the joys of working at home is you get to quit when you're finished ahead of schedule.

(3) Train friends and neighbors to respect your working hours.

Clients tell me about neighbors who say things like, "I told the UPS truck to leave the package at your house since you're always home." Discourage phone calls with a prepared response, like "I will call you after four o'clock today." You will be tested. Prepare to hang tough.

(4) Get the family on board.

Deal with their concerns before you start and be prepared to show how you are creating a win-win situation. Clarify what counts as an emergency – a valid reason to interrupt while you are working - and what can wait till dinnertime.

(5) Build breaks into your schedule.

When I started my own business, I was warned, "Plan to get out of the house! Otherwise you'll never leave your desk."

Frankly, I didn't get it.

Why wouldn't I take breaks? Now as I find myself answering just one more email, or adding two more paragraphs to an article, I see the clock move and realize I must stop if I want to get to the gym or the store before closing time.

Bonus Tip: A dog will force you to get moving, no matter what else is going on in your life.

(6) Make promises you will be motivated to keep.

My weekly ezine motivates me to write at least one article a week. You may be energized by company and client deadlines.

As your responsibilities grow, you will tend to accumulate more and more "real" deadlines and it's easier to stay motivated. But in the early stages, you're isolated, you're working hard and results don't appear immediately. That's why some people hire coaches and consultants to create accountability.

(7) Give yourself time to test your commitment.

Not everyone enjoys the work-at-home option. My clients tell me they need six to twelve months to decide how they are responding to this arrangement. You may decide to return to a workplace where you can see real people everyday. Or you may get hooked on having a dog-friendly, gossip-free workplace where you can open the windows all year round.

Working From Home

Home Sweet Home?

The majority of people who start small businesses do so by using their homes as offices. This makes a great deal of sense when you consider the cost of leasing even a small office. If you’re lucky enough to have an extra room for an office, you’ll find that your life will be a lot easier than if you are forced to use your bedroom. Those people with studio apartments have it worse because wherever they walk for a moment of relaxation; they are still in their office. Though there are many tax advantages to using a portion of your home as an office, there are many emotional and mental disadvantages and these must be strongly considered before setting up shop at home. If you are young and living at home, or if you are married with children, either way, you will have challenges.

For instance, if you’re the type of person who likes to grab an extra few minutes of sleep in the morning, if you’re the type of person who likes to press the “snooze” button every ten minutes just to squeeze in another couple of minutes of rest, then just try to imagine the trouble you’ll have getting out of bed when you have to stay home to work.

Hey, what’s your rush when you’re already at the office, right? Well, if you were a procrastinator before working at home, you’ll become a bigger and worse procrastinator after a few weeks of self-employment in your bedroom. Without constant motivation to keep moving, you will rapidly find yourself in a rut. So, what’s your motivation to get to work? Simple. If you don’t get out of bed to start work, then you may not have a bed to lie in much longer!

The flip-side to this problem is getting yourself so involved in your work that you do not know how to shut off your energy and stop working at the end of your day. If by chance you bypass this problem, you may have the pleasure of making a new friend – insomnia. With no private place to unwind at the end of the day, you may find yourself staring at the four walls every night as you lie in bed. A bed can become a comfortable place to work, but such actions also act on the unconscious; your mind begins to relate working with your bedroom. The new result is hyperactivity. You become a workaholic, and all you think about is work.

Though you want to maintain a certain degree of being hard on yourself, you do not want to overdo it, so be careful in how and where you set up your home office. If you have a spare room or den, use it instead of your bedroom. If not, be prepared for some new and interesting emotional and physical problems to pop up.

What's The Matter With Kids Today?

I've had the good fortune of working at home twice in my career thus far, first when I lived at home with my Mom when I was in my early 20's, and then more recently when I retired in 2000.

My Mom never understood what I was doing working in my bedroom at all hours of the night. Years later, a similar problem occurred when I worked at home when my children were still very young. They didn't understand why Dad was home either. They supposed it was so I could play with them! Wrong!

Whether you are dealing with parents, girlfriends, wives or your children, you need to establish some ground rules for the home office. You need to determine your work hours (you can be flexible here), your breaks (lunch with loved ones), acceptable interruptions (hugs and kisses), your tolerance for noise, and play time (for you and for them).

Home Business, What's So Great About It?

Home Business allows you more time to do what you want.

Home Business gives you more freedom i.e. no more 9-5 job.

Because a Home Business is well... at Home, you don't have to travel far to get there.

Just come down stairs in your pajamas and get to work right there and then. It's so convenient.
What is this article about?

Basically this is about starting a Home Business, what's involved, what options there are, how much it can cost etc.

I have already described the advantages of having a Home Based Business, so now we will discuss what is involved in starting one up.

When you start working for yourself there are several things you must take into consideration.
How much can I afford to spend on advertising, materials and other costs, can I afford to lose the money I am going to put into this business, where will I get finance from? And a million other things.

So I will break this down into many small chunks which will make it much easier to digest.
How much money will I need to start this up?

That is entirely dependant upon you and your goals. You should only invest as much money as you can afford to lose, this way, if everything goes wrong you can still live without too much interference.

That aside you must think how much you are going to spend on advertising. To work this out, you should take all of your costs and assign them a percentage of your finance which you will put into them. For example, if you had $10,000 to start your Business, you could assign 10% to advertising depending on how much everything else costs.

In my opinion you should work out your initial costs first, like rent and materials for example.
Then you can take what's left over and assign it to whatever else you want to spend the money on afterwards.

How can I tell if I can afford to lose the money I invest in my Business?

Very simply estimate the most that the business will cost you and assume that it wont make any money at all for a month, obviously this will be a big loss, but it will give you an idea of what COULD happen if your very unlucky.

If it looks like way more than you can afford to lose, then don't do it until you are more prepared. But please remember that in business, there is no reward without risk. So if you don't risk your money, then you wont be rewarded.

Do I need finance? And Where can I get it from?

Do you have enough personal savings to start the business you want to? If you don't then you will need external financing.

The place where most people will get there initial financing is the bank. But there are other places and people as well.


Mortgage for premises


Venture capitalists


And many more, but the above are the main ones.

I'm sure you know what mortgages and loans are, but chances are, you don't know what a venture capitalist is.

A venture capitalist is someone who contributes financing to a business in exchange for part ownership of the firm. This is ideal if you are starting an expensive business which you might not be able to afford, but expect high profits from.

But be careful, when you give up part ownership you give up some profits.