Birds in the Heart - Searching for the Inner Eye

The purpose of studying Buddha Dharma is to
understand the principles of the universe,
and the ultimate reality of life.
If we do not know the comings and goings of life,
we will not know the direction of our future.
Like a blind person,
we can only be touching and searching in the darkness.
Searching for the truth is similar to looking for an inner eye.
If you find the eye, you will be free and comfortable.
Having an eye, if we see a wall we can make a turn;
if there is no way out, we can find the door.
Truth allows you to find a way;
a way which leads you to understanding and freedom.
That is why we say that
Dharma practice is searching for the inner eye -
the eye of the mind and heart.

Birds in the Heart - Blind Person

How free and easygoing life is
after realization and awakening!
Without realization,
your life is like that of a blind person walking down the road,
having to go slowly, touching and feeling here and there,
not knowing where to find the door.
Awakening is like a person with exvellent vision,
who can clearly see the door,
and thus go in and out freely and easily.
Walking here and there,
the awakened you will not bump into the wall.
Even if you occasionally bump into a wall
due to carelessness,
you will know immediately
how to make changes and improvements.
Awakening or realization is needed in order to have a happy life.
Once realization is achieved, happiness will follow.
Without realization, happiness can never be attained.

Advertising Your Home Busindess On A Budget

When you are starting out in a new home business and no one knows who you are, one of the greatest challenges you will face is how to drum up new business.

If there were not people in your community or marketplace that you knew who needed your products or services, you probably would not have started your business to begin with. But, once you have talked to those who you personally knew who needed your what you offer, then your next task is to find others who will help keep your doors open.

May people know that theymust turn to advertising at some point in the future, but they hope that day will be long down the road. For some, this utopian concept will come to fruition. But for the rest of us in the real world, we must come up with creative solutions for meeting our home business advertising needs while working within our budget.

Most people have a misconception about having to spend lots of money in order to advertise their home business. When you start out, you honestly will not have much money available for advertising, and if you do, you should still spend it wisely.

Before you jump headfist into the world of advertising, let me share some of the lessons I have learned concerning this most important topic.


It does not have to cost an arm and a leg to advertise your home business, unless you fail to plan and fail to test.

As much as is possible, you should always test your advertising. If you jump in and start dumping tons of money in to advertising without first testing your advertising, you might find yourself broke and without sales at the end of the road. Most people who commit this error write off thier failure on the home business they chose or the economy or any of a hundred other excuses. But, if they are unwilling to take responsibility for thier mistake, they will never learn from thier mistake. Don't let this be you.


All testing should be done in blocks. If you being to advertise simultaneously in newspapers, radio and television, how will you know which advertising is bringing people to your cash register? You won't. All you will know that something might be working, but you will not know what is actually doing the trick.

Even if you tell people in your advertising to tell you how they found you, my experience shows that fewer than 10% of the people ever will tell you anything - and those people who do not even get the facts straight! You cannot rely on your customers to tell you what advertising is working for your home business.
You must put in the extra effort to know for yourself.


Only when you have a proven and solid advertising portfolio should you venture to drop big bucks in an advertising campaign. Even then, you should be careful to keep further measurements to determine how much the maximum advantage of an ad would be. Sometimes you might be able to reach ten times as many people, but depending on the kind of media and other factors, the additional exposure will only generate twice as many sales. Keep your eye attuned to situations like this to get the most from your advertising dollars.


As Lesson 3 illustrates, sometimes your best advertising investment may actually cost you less money. When you are first starting out, whether you are running a home business or a business outside of your home, you need to be able to get people talking and thinking about your business.

If you are busy testing ads in media's such as the newspaper, magazines, radio and tv, you need to learn ways of promoting your business that do not require large cash expenditures. A few examples are:

  • Word of Mouth

  • Business Cards

Here is more information about each type of low-cost advertising:


This of course is the cheapest kind of advertising on the planet - it does not cost you anything. Ask your customers if they know anyone who could also use your products or services. When they are happy with your offerings and service, they will be willing to tell you whom you can contact, and they will pass the word for you.


You can usually pick up 500 business cards for about $20. When you do, hand them out. Do not give more than a couple of cards to each person. If they need more cards from you, they will ask.

Some people are known to network with others on a regular basis. Some of these people are also known to be always looking for an extra few bucks. With these people, you can suggest to them that if they write their name on the back of one of your business cards and the card is presented to you, then you will pay a referral fee to them. You do not have to offer much - sometimes one dollar is enough. Look at your home business and your offerings and decide how much would be a good referral fee.

In Conclusion

When it comes down to it, there is a lot to understand about advertising, but when you have the basic knowledge down pat, everything will fall into place and bring more dollars to your bank account.

Birds in the Hearts - Taking a Shower

Buddha Dharma is unlike common worldly knowledge.
It is the wisdom of ultimate "Emptiness."
Empty out your problems and desires;
let every kind of worry, dispute, mistrust,
or contradiction completely empty out,
without leaving any trace.
Then, you will be free of all burdens.
It is just like when we are sweaty and smelly,
and then take a shower;
right away it makes us feel so comfortable and so refreshed!
Buddha Dharma can do the same.
It can clear away all of the "haves" and the "have-nots,"
allowing the inner state to be clear, cool, and comfortable.
Ultimate "Emptiness" does not, however,
mean that there is absolutely nothing.
It means that you are letting the ideas and conceptions in
your mind return to freedom,
allowing all the happenings to come and go naturally,
setting everything free.
In the mean time, you will have set yourself free also.

Birds in the Heart - Boundless Container

"Spacious Emptiness"
is similar to a boundless container;
it will never fill up,
no matter how much stuff we put into it.
Is your inner space in such a state of
"Spacious Emptiness?"
If your mind is full of selfish,
sinful ideas, all kinds of pain and sorrow
will arise accordingly.
Therefore, try to empty the mind and heart;
let them be in a state of "Spacious Emptiness."
Naturally, they will be quite able to
accommodate a lot of your stuff.
they will not even feel the existence of all the stuff.
This is why we said that Dharma practitioners should train
their minds and hearts to be like empty space.
Spacious, vast, and empty,
they can include and tolerate millions of things,
and millions of affairs.

Birds in the Heart - Making Friends

Because of the ephemeral nature of all of the various
things in the world, we say that this world is unreal.
Because it is unreal,
not everlasting, and will disappear,
we say that it is "Emptiness."
Affications also bear this characteristic;
they are illusory, temporary, and unsubstantial.
If you contemplate and reflect in this manner often,
gradually, your afflictions will no longer want to befriend you.
"How strange! Why are afflictions unwilling to make friends
with me any more?"
You will then be able to keep company witht he tranquil,
the carefree, and the liberated.
To achieve this state requires repeated effort.
Practice is not done by mere talking.
Do it once, twice, three times; keep going slowly.
After a long time of practice,
you will no longer be consumed by worries and distress.

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho

Chae Dae Woong is a cowardly and extremely immature man who accidentally set free a nine-tail fox who was imprisoned for 500 years. The fox began to take the form of a beautiful woman who follows Dae Woong causing misunderstandings that she is his girlfriend. Although he enjoys the attention and envy that people around him is giving, he is also alwayss in extreme fear that the Gumiho may want to feed on his liver to become human. But when both of them falls for each other as time goes by, the gumiho's enemies appears causing an unexpected twist in their life.

Birds in the Heart - Holding onto Water

The Dharma tells us to toss aflictions into "Emptiness."
How do we explain this "Emptiness?"
It means that nothing can be preserved,
nothing is everlasting, and everything dissolves ultimately.
"Emptiness" is anything tht may disappear,
that may cease to exist.
It is also called "Impermanence."
We should know that all and every sorts of things in this
world are impermanent.
Hoping to capture and hold on to the impermanent
is like a child trying to catch water with his hands.
Even if a handful or water has been scooped up,
it will leak away after a short while.
Even though we may have gotten hold of some water,
it will leak away, or it may dry out.
Everything we have or own in this human realm is just
like the water that we are trying to hold in our hands.
It will be lost, even though we think that we have gained it.
This is the meaning of "Emptiness."

Birds in the Heart - Open the Door of Emptiness

Initially, our minds and hearts were designed to continuously create space,
in order to provide ample room for ongoing activity.
But, if the mind is not sufficiently awakened and realized,
it is unable to create the space necessary to
accomodate all of our activities.
This means that the narrower your mind is,
or the smaller your heart is,
the tighter the activity space will be.
For instance, it seems that the richer people are,
the more constricted their hearts become.
It is because they are constrained
by the 'appearance' of money; so much so,
that they can find no way out its influence.
For this reason, Buddha opened the door of "Emptiness"
to give us a way out.
It is so that our lives can be broad, and spacious.
How do we open the door of "Emptiness?"
Simple by being detached and not clinging to illusory phenomena.
Thusly, you will open the door of "Emptiness,"
and live an easygoing, carefree, and lighthearted life.

Best Sex Positions and Sex Tip

You're never to old to learn about the best sex positions, try out some different sex positions, read a few great sex tips and start practicing.

How to have sex in a Car.

How do I have sex in a car? And will I get in a lot of trouble if I'm caught?

Take it easy! No one is going to force you to have sex in a car. Just put the sock on the door and well leave you alone.

Your question, however, intrigued me, so I did some poking around in the sex world, and it turns out that having sex in a car is very, very today. If caught, you won't get in too much trouble: Provided everyone is of legal age, all acts are consensual, you're not in public view, there aren't any juveniles present in the area, there aren't any illegal drugs or weapons in the car, and no one's intoxicated or engaged in any acts that are specifically prohibited by statute, you (and perhaps your party) might get slapped with a public-indecency charge, and offense that can carry a fine or jail time.

Honestly, this car sex sounds like a pain in the ass, which might be why Eric Marlowe Garrision, sex counselor and author of the upcoming The Foreply Bible, the latest bible to include an entire chapter of practical advice for having oral, anal, and even plain, God-fearing sex in cars, encourages couples to practice in private garages whenever possible.

"And I always recommend having an exit strategy," he says, with, I believe, no intended pun. "My rule for car sex is, if you wouldn't feel comfortable going there for a picnic during the day or even pulling over for hot chocolate at night - and those are the same amounts of time you'd need - I wouldn't recommend sex there." I don't know what all this has to do with hot chocolate, but I can't help thinking it might be better if adults practiced sex in a bed, inside, with the doors locked, while very drunk - or risk the very likely outcome of being just the latest in a long line of lovers slain by the legendary zodiac killer, who, I might remind you, was never caught.

Birds In The Heart

There are many little birds living inside our mind and heart.
Day and night,
they chirp and chatter without a break,
giving us neither peace nor serenity.
If we open the birdcage that is inside us,
and let all the birds fly away,
our inner state will be tranquil and serene.

What? Home Business?

Today's world is accelerating at a pace never seen before, and there seems to be a lot of things people forgot about...

Home Business? Hmm... sounds like a lot of trouble, a lot of work. With a job you don't need to worry about anything. Just do your job and get paid.

Now let's think about what's wrong with this picture... Where's the space for improvement? sure you can climb the corporate ladder, but remember... there's only one president, and those positions aren't guaranteed to anyone.

Let's think about another thing... Companies, Businesses, they want to make maximum profits, right? The world is evolving. One of the major problems to them? Employees. Sure they need employees but... remember

With all this automation going on in the world, these companies are finding more ways to increase thier profit margin - And that's to reduce thier workforce and increase the automation!

What does that mean for jobs? Less jobs! Many year ago, companies neede workers for every little detail. As technology advanced, one by one, small necessities weren't needed anymore, as there was a technology in place to automate that process.

Now where does that leave us? To fend for ourselves! Now these changes won't take place overnight obviously, but... I'm sure you can see the general Trend.

Why go through all the trouble with some sort of Home Business? Sure it's a lot of work, confusion, and a ton of trouble or so it would seem... but the space for improvement is Incredible!

More and more people are doing home based businesses... now another quetion still arises. If everyone were to do a home business or such, the world's economy would be a very chaotic place, correct?

While more people are doing home businesses, the Ratio of Jobs to Home Businesses doesn't change much; due to an ever increasing population. This allow more wealthy people to beam into existence, while keeping the ratio of the rich and poor the same!

YOU can also find ways to automate things... make things easier for yourself, gain an advantage. You're only limited to what you believe you can achieve!

Doing a home Business will give you an incredible advantage over others. Once you learn the ways of a home business, it won't be confusing anymore... it's like a totally new job that uses a new computer systems... once you learn it, it becomes a breeze!

Which home business is right for me? That's a question I can't answer for anyone. It's totally up to you, and what you would like to do... and remember, doing a home business doesn't have to mean quitting your job; you can do this to "secure" yourself, or supplement your current income.

Now I also understand that not everyone will want to do a home business, and will prefer to stick with thier job. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But my goal is to simply make people aware of these forgotten changes in the world.

Birds in the Heart - Incinerator

All stress and strife, right and wrong, them and me,
should be thrown into the "incinerator of emptiness."
Keep on throwing each and every day;
gradually, you will come to see your own mind and heart,
more and more. So, how do we do this throwing?
With what stuff do we begin?
Let's start with the old habits
that we have accumulated over such a long period of time.

Secret Garden

Kim Joo Woo (Hyun Bin) is the arrogant, eccentric heir to a large company. Poised to inherit a large department store, he constantly rejects the girls his matchmaking mother sends his way. When he meets Gill Ra Im (Ha Ji Won), a beautiful, driven stunt woman, she changes his life, as he becomes fascinated by her strength and vulnerability. Ra Im wants nothing to do with this seeming oddball, drawn more to his pop-star cousin Oska (Yoo Sang Hyun), whose music she admires. Ra Im and Joo Won are thrown together when, due to a magical accident, they end up switching bodies. Now, they'll have to live each other's lives, coming to know each other (and themselves) in the process better than they would have thought possible...

Celcom Launches iPhone 4 – Sexy Plans vs Maxis & DIGI

I plan to get the iPhone 4 and compare which network is offer the best deal. Then I find out one of the blogger doing very goode compararison of the package. (Celcom, Maxis & Digi)

Let find out 'finance twitter' comparerison:-

Celcom Launches iPhone 4 – Sexy Plans vs Maxis & DIGI

Now I know what the plan I should go for it.

Thanks Finance Twitter ^.^

Birds in the Heart - The World of Emptiness

All changes, vexations, and problems
are illusory and unreal.
Ultimately they all end up "empty,"
no matter if they are mundane of siritual.
That is why this world is referred to as
"the world of Emptiness."
Hence, you should not be bound nor controlled
by outer circumastances,
Wherein you have let your mind and heart become affected.
If you can thoroughly understand this principle,
your inner state will be serene and carefree.
Frankly speaking, the bottom line is that
the pressures you experience in life are mostly self-created.
If you pay no attention to them,
and not make a big deal out of them,
the pressures will vanish naturally.

Starting Your Home Based Business On A Shoestring Budget

Whether seeking a supplemental income or a full-time income, many folks have undertaken the task to discover a viable home based business solution to meet their personal needs.

For most folks who contemplate a home business, a low-cost or no-cost solution is not only nice, but also very necessary. Many also seek to find a home business that will permit them to maintain their regular day job in order to protect thier base income.

Taking the cautious approach to a home based business and keeping one's job during the start-up period is often a very good decision. By maintaining one's job, one can maintain the health of thier personal finances while permitting their home business grow healthy and storng.

Fortunately, most home based businesses can be started with little or no cash, can be maintained on a shoestring budget, and can be operated successfully with only a part-time investment.

One day, the business will be strong enough to support itself and its owner. When that time comes, it will make good sense for the business owner to leave his or her outside job to dedicate more time to growing and maintaining their new thriving home based business. You will know when that time has finally arrived.

The nature of a home based business makes it easy and very realistic for most folks to take the plunge into home business ownership.

Yet, many folks put off starting their own home based business, because they have the misconception that they will have to risk thousands of thier own hard-earned dollars at start-up. Then later, if their business fails, they fear they may be forced to take out a second mortgage on thier house just to stay out of bankruptcy.

Are you one of these folks? Do you let your fears of failure keep you from reaching for your dreams?

If so, then allow me to introduce you to a few home business ideas that you can start for less than $100 and can be started and operated very profitably as a part-time business.

The Lifeblood of All Successful Businesses

First of all, let me advise you to search out a business model that will deliver steady and repeat business. It is the one thing - above all others - that will assure that your company can survive the test of time.

HOME-BASED MAIL ORDER: is a good example of how one can quickly grow a home business income. Mail order is a low cost start-up business that can be launched for around $100 USD.

With proper planning, your home-based mail order business will not require up-front inventory purchases. In the mail order business, it is not uncommon to rely upon drop-shippers for product fulfillment services.

By utilizing drop-shippers, we can sell the products, collect the money and then purchase the products from the wholesale outlet. The wholesale outlet will then put a return address for your company on the product packaging and deliver the product directly to your customer.

Your primary expense in the mail-order business is advertising. Classified advertising tends to be a relatively inexpensive form of advertising with thousands of outlets available to the small business owner.

WHOLESALE BUSINESS: Buy low - sell high. You can acquire high quality, top-of-the-line merchandise for a fraction of the retail cost. Starting a wholesale business would require a Wholesale Dealers Directory as your source for merchandise.

Birds in the Heart - Planting Seeds

"Bodhisattvas fear the cause; sentient beings fear the effect,
"This is the reason why Bodhisattvas take great care
to plant only the seeds of virtue and wisdom.
If a sentient being, after arriving at the splendid pure land
of the Buddha realms, lives day after day just
"waiting and expecting,"
not diligently planting and cultivating,
and counting on the harvest to fall from the sky,
then I believe that what he will gain can only be
dejection and disappointment.

Birds in the Hearts - Passing Time

What is spiritual practice?
It is practicing to modify our behavior.
Why do we need to modify our behavior?
Because, we are not happy. Why are we not happy?
Perhaps, it is because our actions and ideas are incorrect.
That is why we need to make changes.
If we diligently make improvements in this life,
we will have fewer afflictions in our coming lives.
Plant the seeds of blessing in this life,
and harvest them in the next.
spiritual practice is not just passing time;
nor can it be done by casual talking or mere tongue wagging.
You've got to put it into practice with your actions.

Birds in the Hearts - Fly Paper

How do you treat and heal the wounds of the heart?
Actually, it is not a process of treating or curing;
it is a process of giving up of "rights."
That is to say, giving up the rights and privileges of your
feelings and inner exeriences.
Originally, we do not have any illness;
the cause of illness is our tendency of "taking."
"Taking" makes our mind and heart become sticky.
The situation is similar to that of a fly coming in contact
with fly-paper and getting stuck.
Therefore, from now on, you should learn "letting go."
If you do, you will no longer be stickly and grungy looking,
and you will no longer be catching flies.
As for your current problems,
they are nothing other than conserved memories
of your fly catching or mosquito catching of the past.
We do not need to hold on to this stuff and longer.
What you need to hold on to this stuff any longer.
What you need to learn now is to let them go their own ways.
You are you; and you have nothing to do with each other.

Birds in the Heart - Embracing a Tree

One day, a master took a disciple to the mountain.
They walked and walked.
All of a sudden, the master, as if possessed by demons,
embraced a tree, and cried out loudly,
"Hey my dear, hurry, hurry! Come rescue me!"
The disciple asked, "Master, how shall I rescue you?"
The master answered,
"Hurry up and pull me away from the tree.I have been holding on to this tree,
and I am suffering a lot!"
The disciple then pulled and pulled, with all his might,
trying to free the master,
but he could not pull him away from the tree.
Finally, the master put his arms down by himself,
and he said, "What a stupid disciple! All I had to do
is release my arms and let go!"
Our distress is just like the act of embracing a tree.
We do it willingly.
Why not just set yourself free?
There will be no more afflictions.
Therefore, the Dharma teaches us to learn "letting go";
release afflictions quickly,
and do not hold on to them tightly.

Full House

Full House is one of the Hotter Korean Drama on year 2000.

Han Ji Eun is a naive writer who got swindled out of everything she owned including her house by her best friends. Standed in China, she is determined to get home with the help of an actor. Lee Young Jae. She borrows money from him after coming up with a clever lie and plans to pay him back after landing Korea, only to find that all which is precious to her has been sold. On her return, she found out that her house was bought be Lee Young Jae. In an attempt to get her possessions back, she entered in a contract marriage with Young Jae for one year. It is quite simple, until strong feeling start to develop. Everyone around them test the "love" Young Jae and Ji Eun have for one another. In spite of it all, Ji Eun manages to be humorous and endearing - even when her heart is breaking.

Stuff from KL moving to Kulai

Last week(28 May) my future parent-in-law and ele sister-in-law, pack and move all the KL furniture and stuff to Kulai. My house is very packed, from my living room to kitchen is full of furniture.

You all can see it from the picture I upload.

Birds in the Heart - Mirror of the Heart

Stress arises entirely because of our attachment to "circumstantial conditions.'
Actually, afflictions have nothing really to do with us originally.
It is just like the way a mirror reflects things.
We can see everything in the mirror,
but can the myriad matters and things affect the mirror?
So, why are we pulled and tied down
by the myriad matters and things?
It is because we cling to the "circumstantial conditions,"
and mistake the circumstances as ourselves.
As a result, thoughts of grasping or clinging arise,
thus giving afflictions an opportunity to emerge.

Bad Breath

Halitosis and bad breath are a social problem that can chronically affect a high percentage of the population. The actual way of life, especially the modern life-style, with its established dinner times normally means a large amount of time goes by without eating. This in turn can cause bad breath in the majority of the population similar to early morning bad breath. Equally, there are other factors such as dental problems, and perodontal problems, which come into the equation and cause bad breath. Tabacco, alcohol and caffeine are just as bad in causing bad breath as are the combination of various factors such as internal or metabolic disease.

Birds in the Heart - Clouds and Fog

Unrealistic thinking is like clouds and fog,
floating over here for a while,
floating over there for a while.
After the rain comes down,
the clouds and fog vanish without a trace;
they do not exist any more.
The way to counteract fantasizing and
unrealistic thinking of this sort, is just like this;
pay no attention to it, and all will be fine.
Or, you can do more sitting meditation,
practicing of Buddha mindfulness,
or reciting Buddha's name.
Through contemplation and reflection,
you and gain insight into the illusory nature of all things;
and clearly perceive that your unrealistic thoughts
are merely unreal images.
They appear and disappear again.
The important thing is to take hold of your true goal in life,
and walk forward on the road to ultimate awakening.

Birds in the Heart - Wind and Wave

What we call good and bad,
gain and loss,
right and wrong
are nothing but our moods or mental states.
They are just like the wind pushing the waves,
making them go up and down in the ocean.
The wind is the "circumstantial condition."
If the mind is immersed within
"circumstantial conditions,"
pleasure and pain will follow.
Our so-called good moods and bad moods
come as a result.

Birds in the Heart - Flowing Water

Our thinking keeps on moving,
like water in a river, constantly flowing.
If we keep a mishmash of ideas and
concepts accumulated in our mind,
it is just like when a flow of water has become blocked;
tensions will arise accordingly.
It is when we cling to some particular conceptions,
that we become full of stress and vexation.
Those who know how to live rightly,
keep their own mind and hearat open and
unobstructed at all times.
In our effort to care for the mind and heart
- our inner environment -
we should ask for the same fresh, free-flowing,
and clean water and air qualities that
we demand in our outer environment.
In this way, our inner state will be clear and cool,
without worries and hindrances.