Birds in the Hearts - Fly Paper

How do you treat and heal the wounds of the heart?
Actually, it is not a process of treating or curing;
it is a process of giving up of "rights."
That is to say, giving up the rights and privileges of your
feelings and inner exeriences.
Originally, we do not have any illness;
the cause of illness is our tendency of "taking."
"Taking" makes our mind and heart become sticky.
The situation is similar to that of a fly coming in contact
with fly-paper and getting stuck.
Therefore, from now on, you should learn "letting go."
If you do, you will no longer be stickly and grungy looking,
and you will no longer be catching flies.
As for your current problems,
they are nothing other than conserved memories
of your fly catching or mosquito catching of the past.
We do not need to hold on to this stuff and longer.
What you need to hold on to this stuff any longer.
What you need to learn now is to let them go their own ways.
You are you; and you have nothing to do with each other.