Birds in the Heart - Boundless Container

"Spacious Emptiness"
is similar to a boundless container;
it will never fill up,
no matter how much stuff we put into it.
Is your inner space in such a state of
"Spacious Emptiness?"
If your mind is full of selfish,
sinful ideas, all kinds of pain and sorrow
will arise accordingly.
Therefore, try to empty the mind and heart;
let them be in a state of "Spacious Emptiness."
Naturally, they will be quite able to
accommodate a lot of your stuff.
they will not even feel the existence of all the stuff.
This is why we said that Dharma practitioners should train
their minds and hearts to be like empty space.
Spacious, vast, and empty,
they can include and tolerate millions of things,
and millions of affairs.